Ayurvedic Doula Care
My training and knowledge as a Pre-Natal Yoga Teacher, Clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner, Panchakarma Therapist and Full Spectrum Doula allows me to incorporate various protocols and methods of treatment that range from physical therapies to psycho-spiritual guidance & support, to herbal/nutritional care.
AyurDoula Services
Pre-Natal Care
Carrying life is such a transformative human journey. It is my biggest joy to support and guide expecting parents by setting themselves up for success with Self-Care tools and resources.
A majority of our work together will be comprised of preparation for birth and holistically addressing or managing any current symptoms.
From personalized yoga, to psycho-spiritual guidance and partner support, to nutritional support & herbal aid, Ayurveda is an expecting parent’s hidden gem. Together we create a plan to best nourish and prepare you for your sacred birth.
Postpartum Care
I follow a Sutika Paricharya protocol which is Ayurveda’s time-test Postpartum Care regimen and it is one of the most comprehensive Postpartum Aftercare Protocols to exist. Its practices often overlap with other traditional systems of healing.
This level of care includes a full spectrum of support ranging from ancient nourishing body therapies, to hand-crafted herbal formulas and customized rejuvenative protocols that holistically address lactation, digestion, womb healing and managing energy levels, to healing rituals that cater to the body/psycho-spiritual connection.
Pregnancy Release
In Ayurveda, the womb-space is viewed as the portal for which all life and creation must travel through to reach the material world. Thus, Miscarriages and Abortions are believed to have have the same effects on the body, leaving similar impressions in the subtle body.
Using Ayurveda’s time tested rituals & somatic healing practices, I fully support you in your journey as I guide you in navigating this unique grieving process by nourishing your physical being while diving deep into your feminine essence to honor your body’s ability to create & heal.
“Caring for birthing people and helping them heal after birth WILL change the world.”
- Rachel Gill, Doula & Midwife
I believe we can truly change the world with caring for birthing people and supporting their journey. A Mother’s state impacts the new soul we have joining the collective and I find this to be one of the most important times to nourish within the many cycles of life.
My Inspiration For This Work
My Mami
My mom is my rock. As a single mom, she put me first above all else, and I am forever in debt to her for the constant love, support and nourishment she provides me. Her love for me in this life is the very nectar that fuels me to infuse nurturing magick into my offerings.
Her journey with Uterine and Breast Cancer has taught me so much and it is through her that I draw so much inspiration for catering to women’s health. I am in awe of the strength, power and capacity to heal that women carry, and my Mami is my primary example of this.
My Best Friend
From learning how to use tampons together, to being there for one another when coming into our womanhood, my bestie has always inspired me. Our 10 years of friendship leave me awe-struck as I continue to watch her evolve as a Mama and her son grow.
Witnessing her give birth was a life changing experience. for me.The night she went into labor, she was restless for many hours prior to giving birth and I vividly remember rubbing her legs & feet to soother her. Hours later he arrived (:
The birth of her son awoke the desire in me to serve as a Doula for others.